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As an author, I can spend countless hours writing biographies on the characters I'm inventing.  I build a life around them, creating their past, present and sometimes their future.  However, the mere prospect of writing about myself sends shivers down my spine.  Nevertheless, I'll give it a go!


I live in Queensland, Australia with my husband and our wonderful daughter.  In our spare time, we have discovered karate which has been a wonderful experience for not only our bodies but our minds too.  In between that and a part time job, I try to be creative whilst remembering to hang out the washing and avoiding the perils of the nearby biscuit tin!


I love the moment when an idea explodes in my brain and it flows through my fingers onto the page. (Call me old-fashioned but I still tend to scribble ideas down with pencil and paper before I transfer it to my computer!) I call them my writing flurries and there is no feeling on earth quite like it. To me, anyways!


As for my writing process...*scratches head* Not sure if I'm that proficient to have what is called a process. How about this? An idea suddenly pops into my head (usually in the middle of the night), I rummage around trying to find a pen and something to write on (usually a discarded tissue or napkin) and I scribble it down quickly, lest I forget, and then usually can't read my own writing when I come back to it later! Seriously. Then, I slowly work through a basic plot. Once I have these bare bones, the characters develop themselves in my mind as I write, as does their journey.


Smashwords Author Interview:

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